From the website:
Advertised as "World's Greatest Collection of Strange & Secret Photographs" and marketed mainly to overheated adolescents (see the 1942 Keen ad, left), it consists of nothing but photos and captions with no further exposition. This was not a book published to educate (despite appearing on some public library's shelves), but to titillate (literally)— it's emphasis was on the female form ("Female Beauty Round the World") and fashion, and it featured as many National-Geographic-style native breasts as possible. But anything lurid, weird, or just plain unusual is fair game. This was a book to gawk at by flashlight under the bedcovers.
Secret Museum
Geese show care and concern when human friend pretends to faint
[image: Image: COLOMBO NICOLA /]
Watch a bunch of adorable geese react to their human friend pretending to
faint. My only personal experie...
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